Fou Fow Udon, just around the corner!
Finally there is Fou Fow Udon. Since 2019 Fou Fow opened the first home made udon restaurant in Amsterdam. Just around the corner of Fou Fow Ramen Elandsgracht. We serve all kind of fresh udon and tempura. Please visit us at Prinsengracht 411. Open from daily from 12:00-15:00 and from 17:00-21:00. Closed on Monday. Phone:+31 (0)20 341 50 15. More info Fou Fow Udon
(added on 2020/01/07)
Fou Fow cookbook
Fou Fow cooking book now available, in Dutch 'Fou Fow's verhalen en recepten' or English 'Fou Fow's Musings and Recipes'
Forty fine columns for Het Parool against the backdrop of the pandemic. About culture, identity, and business, but especially about cooking and eating. Order here
(added on 2021/12/04)
Fou Fow Van Woustraat serving lunch again!!
Yes, we serve lunch again from: 12:00-15:00
Dinner: 17:00-21:00
Hope to see you soon!
(added on 2023/09/12)
About Fou Fow
2011, Fou Fow popped up in China town. On the second floor of Asian super store Toko Dun Yong, Pork and Chicken broths were cooked daily. Here it all started, the first ramen shop in Amsterdam was born. And did it work? Well, the first customers were a bit puzzled, ‘what is this?! something odd or was it kind of good?’ Two reasons for that, they needed time to get acquainted to this new pasta soup dish, and Fou Fow needed time to study more the art of ramen. But not that much time, in pursuit of making the best ramen, this hidden gem became soon an overcrowded place to hang out for lunch. In 2014 Fou Fow ramen opened its first own shop, and now there are two.

Fow es tu fou?
Why is it called Fou Fow, it seems hard to pronounce. Well the founders first name is Fow Pyng, and you pronounce it as Fu Ping, so why spell it that way? let’s assume his dad believed in the freedom of spelling. So Fou Fow is pronounced as Fu Fu, which in French means crazy Fow, a childhoods nickname. In Japanese Fu Fu is the ‘blowing sound’ we make to cool the hot noodles. So ‘Fu Fu’ well before you burn your mouth! And in Chinese the Fu Fu characters are read as ‘fortune returns’.

Magic of ramen
His mother fed him home made hand pulled noodles. Sounds romantic, but for them it was simple daily food. Sometimes brilliant, but mostly very decent and satisfying. The secret is maybe this simple daily comfort which makes ramen magical. The right texture, ingredients, smell and taste combined in a bowl makes you want to eat it again and again. Fou Fow produces its noodle in Japan and ships it to Amsterdam so you can enjoy them daily, this is a basic human right.

“Nederland is een ideaal land voor ramen (we eten het alleen een beetje gek)”, NRC,, (2018/06/01)
“Het geluk van het Japanse volk rukt op in Nederland: ramen”, De Volkskrant,, (2017/11/17)
“Fou Fow Ramen”, Het Parool,, (2015/01/27)
“Dit noedelrestaurant komt dicht bij perfectie”, NRC,, (2014/12/14)

Fou Fow Ramen
Elandsgracht 2A,
1016 TV Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 845 0544
Fou Fow Ramen
Van Woustraat
Van Woustraat 3,
1074 AA Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 846 7563
*Walk-In Only (No reservations possible)
If you liked Fou Fow Ramen, you might like:
Fou Fow Udon, on Prinsengracht
Fou Fow Ramen
Lunch 12:00-15:00
Dinner 17:00-21:00
CLOSED on Mondays
Fou Fow Ramen
Van Woustraat
Lunch 12:00-15:00
Dinner 17:00-21:00
CLOSED on Mondays
Fou Fow Ramen © 2023